dicembre 08, 2012

La questione sionista e il Vicino Oriente. – Documentazione tratta dal “Advocate”: Cronache dell’anno 1925.

Homepage  della Questione Sionista
Advocate fa parte del progetto Trove, coordinato con la National Library of Australia, ed include una collezione di giornali digitalizzati dal 1803 al 1982 e risorse online australiane. Le annate disponibili del Advocate vanno dal 1890 al 1954. Valgono per le fonti neozelandesi gli stessi criteri di raccolta e sistemazione che abbiamo chiamato “a papiro” contenente in un solo post tutti gli articoli dell’annata senza interventi redazionali e quindi concepita per il più ampio numero possibile di fruitori. Nella redazione “a libro” con un post per ogni singolo articolo svilupperemo invece un nostro commentario. Un Indice analitico ed una Cronologia degli eventi menzionati conferiscono unità alle diverse e disparate fonti qui esplorate.


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1924   ↔   1926
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Anno di inizio spoglio: 1948.
Advocate: 1890 - 1891 - 1892 - 1893 - 1894 - 1895 - 1896 - 1897 - 1898 - 1899 - 1900 - 1901 - 1902 - 1903 - 1904 - 1905 - 1906 - 1907 - 1908 - 1909 - 1910 - 1911 - 1912 - 1913 - 1914 - 1915 - 1916 - 1917 - 1918 - 1919 - 1920 - 1921 - 1922 - 1923 - 1924 - 1925 - 1926 - 1927 - 1928 - 1929 - 1930 - 1931 - 1932 -1933 - 1934 - 1935 - 1936 - 1937 - 1938 - 1939 - 1940 - 1941 - 1942 - 1943 - 1944 - 1945 - 1946 - 1947 - 1948 - 1949 - 1950 - 1951 - 1952 - 1953 - 1954.

Cap. 1

Top 27.4.1925 ↓  c. 2 →  plus

Balfour Returns
27 April 1925,
 Monday, p. 1a

(Reuter). LONDON (Saturday) – Large forces of police restrained dense throngs of Jewish admirers, who assembled to welcome Earl Balfour on his return from Palestine. Earl Balfour is brossed and looked cheerful. When interviewed by a Reuter’s representative, he said that he was more sanguine than ever about the future of Palestine. He believed that the trouble was only with agitators. If they would let matters alone everything, would be all right. The Jews were fully conscious off the necessity of working harmoniously with the Arabs.

Cap. 2

Top 27.4.1925 ↓  c. 2 →  plus

Anti-zionism. Allays Arab Fears.
Amery on Palestine.
The Movemente Explained.
No police of sufferance.
27 April 1925,
 Monday, p. 1b

(Reuter). JERUSALEM. Friday. THE COLONIAL SECRETARY  (Lieutenant - Colonel Amery)   ... representatives of the Arab deputation yesterday. The latter drew attention to the serious situation in Palestine, and asked Lieutenant-Colonel Amery to consider their case.

The Sheik ruler (Iman Faroukhy) who is President of the National Party, was the first speaker. He explained  the grievances of the Arabs, who he said, were loyal to Britain. Ear Balfour’s declaration, however, was oppressive. The country was dying economically, because wealth was leaving the country. The Arabs did not share in the legislation; whereas, under the Turkish regime, they had had a share in the Government. He concluded:

“Tho Arabs in Palestine desire to live peacefully, as natives of Palestine - not as foreigners.”

Following Iman Faroukhy, Amin Bey     Tamini declared that the Arabs had been much better off under the Turkish regime. Britain had not fulfilled her promises to the Arabs. The Arabs demanded:   
(1) A representative Government   responsible to a Parliament elected by the people.   
(2) A Constitution established by a National Council, including legislative administrative powers. 
(3) The sacred places to be under tho protection of inhabitants.
(4) Equality of rights for all elements. 
(5) Protection of British interests,  compatibly with the nation’s interests. 
Lieutenant-Colonel. Amery, in reply,

said that the British Government was of the opinion that there was no incompatibility between Arab and British co-operation and the Balfour declaration. Britain’s object was to ensure that Palestine would be a national home for Arabs in every sense equally with the Jews.   
The expression of Palestine as a national home for the Jews meant nothing more than that the existing Jewish communities should be able to fulfil their desire to live their own cultural life, and have an opportunity for development.
This should be definitely recognised as a right, not as sufferance policy. The British Government looked, firstly toprosperity of the population, where of the great majority was Arab, and was concerned with the Jewish settlement only so far as to see that it received fair conditions.
Cap. 3

Top 27.4.1925 ↓  c. 2 →  plus

Proof of Prosperity
27 April 1925,
 Monday, p. 1c

The increase in the prosperity of the country was proved by the fact that tho population of Palestine was now 800,000, including 108,000 Jews, compared with 673,000, including 55,000 Jews in 1920. Therefore, there was no fear that the local population would be outnumbered by Jewish immigration.               

Lieutenant - Colonel Amery emphatised that the Arabs had ill-advisedly refused previous opportunities of consultation with representatives of the British Government, which was anxious to accure the co-operation and advice of all representative Arabs, but it was not asking this as a favor. The Arabs now had an opportunity of becoming a great nation again, provided that they   concentrated on their own development, and not on their mistaken fears of tho British Government’s policy.

Cap. 4

Top 27.4.1925 ↓  c. 2 →  plus

Immigrant into Palestine
27 April 1925,
 Monday, p. 1d

ONLY 31/2 PER CENT BRITISH. -Since 1919, about 38,000 immigrants     (mostly Jews) have settled in Palestine. In 1923, the Jewish immigrants went principally from Poland (28 per cent.), the Ukraine (13 per cent.), Ru- mania, and Russia (23 per     cent). Figures giving the number     of British immigrants, during that year are not available, but in 1922 it was stated in the British Parliament that the following are the nationality per- centages of the Jewish immigrants into Palestine in the year ended September 1921: 

Polish  33, British 3,5,  Russian 15, Central Asian 10, Rumanian 5, United States 3, Ukrainan etc. 11, Other nationnalities 20,5. Mr. Rupert Gwynne (Cons.) asked whether it was intended to continue the heavy expenditure in Palestine for the sake of 3,5 per cent of British Jews. 

Mr. Churchill (then Secretary of State for the Colonies), who replied that he did not admit that the expenditure was heavy, said it was not intended that the Zionist colony should be limited to British Jews. 

According to the Geddes Report, the British taxpayer was spending £ 4,219,000 that year to maintain order in Palestine.

Cap. 5

Top 27.4.1925 ↓  c. 2 →  plus

Balfour Declaration
 Monday, p. 1e
In 1917, what is known as the Bal- four Declaration (Lord Balfour as the time being Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs) was made in the following terms:
 «His Majesty’s Government views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use its best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of that object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious right's of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in other countries».

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